
Purshottam Dutt Thapliyal And Anr vs Ankur Goel And Anr 2023 Latest Caselaw 5210 Del


Full Judgement

Delhi High Court Purshottam Dutt Thapliyal And Anr vs Ankur Goel And Anr on 18 December, 2023 Author: Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora Bench: Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora $~70 * IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Date of decision: 18.12.2023 + CM(M) 2087/2023 PURSHOTTAM DUTT THAPLIYAL AND ANR ...... Petitioners Through: Mr. Amit Mishra and Mr. Sandeep Singh, Advocates with Appellant in person versus ANKUR GOEL AND ANR ...... Respondents Through: Mr. Brijesh Kumar Sharma, Ms. Kritika and Ms. Sheetal Ojha, Advocates % CORAM: HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE MANMEET PRITAM SINGH ARORA JUDGMENT MANMEET PRITAM SINGH ARORA, J (ORAL): CM APPL. 65399/2023(for exemption) Allowed, subject to all just exceptions. Accordingly, the present application stands disposed of. CM APPL. 65400/2023 1. This petition filed under Article 227 of Constitution of India impugns the order dated 20.04.2022 passed by the ADJ-03, East District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi ('Trial Court') in civil suit bearing CS No. 25/2018 titled as 'Ankur Goel Etc. v. Purushottam Dutt Thapliyal Etc.' Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed By:Rashmi Dabas Signing Date:22.12.2023 03:50:12 whereby the Trial Court has struck off the defence of the Petitioner i.e., the defendant, for not paying the use and occupation charges as directed by the said Court vide order dated 23.01.2021. 2. The learned counsel for the Respondent who appears on advance service states that an amount of Rs. 21,16,400/- has become due and payable for the period 05.08.2019 till 31.12.2023. 2.1. He states that the Petitioner is also liable to pay interest on the said amount as the Trial Court had directed to deposit of Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) on a quarterly basis. 2.2. He states that the Petitioner cannot place any reliance upon the FDRs placed on record as Annexure P-6 as those FDRs pertain to a period prior to 04.04.2019. 3. In reply, learned counsel for the Petitioner states on instructions from the Petitioner who is present in person that the entire arrears of Rs. 21,16,400/- along with interest at 6.5% per annum will be deposited before the Trial Court in two (2) equal installments on 12.01.2024 and 12.02.2024. 3.1. He states subject to the due payment of the said instalments, the right of the Petitioner herein to cross-examine PW-1 on the defences raised in the written statement be permitted. 3.2. He further states that the directions for deposit of rent on a quarterly basis as per the order dated 23.01.2021 shall also be abided by for the subsequent period commencing from January, 2024. 4. Accordingly, with the consent of the parties, the following directions are passed: (i) The Petitioner will pay the entire arrears of Rs. 21,16,400/- along with interest at 6.5% per annum in two (2) equal instalments. Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed By:Rashmi Dabas Signing Date:22.12.2023 03:50:12 (ii) The Petitioner shall deposit the first instalment with the Trial Court on or before 12.01.2024; along with computation of the principal amount of Rs. 21,16,400/- and the interest of 6.5 % per annum. (iii) The second installment of the outstanding amount will be deposited with the Trial Court on or before 12.02.2024. (iv) The computation will be verified by the Trial Court. (v) The Petitioner will continue to deposit rent for the period January, 2024 as per the directions contained in the Trial Courts order dated 24.01.2021. 5. Subject to the Petitioner depositing both the instalments, the Petitioner herein will be entitled to cross-examine PW-1 before the Trial Court on 16.02.2024 and the order dated 20.04.2022 shall stand superseded. 6. It is however, made clear that if the Petitioner defaults in making the payment of either instalment; the impugned order of the Trial Court dated 20.04.2022, striking off his defence will continue to operate and bind the parties. 7. The learned counsel for the Petitioner has raised a contention that Respondent herein has not place on record title documents pertaining to the third floor and fourth floor of the suit property. 7.1. In response, learned counsel for the Respondent states that the title documents for second floor, third floor and fourth floor all are on record. 7.2. The Trial Court shall adjudicate on the said issue raised by the Petitioner and the rent amount deposited before the Trial Court shall be released as per the directions of the Trial Court. 8. With the aforesaid direction, the present petition stands disposed of Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed By:Rashmi Dabas Signing Date:22.12.2023 03:50:12 along with pending applications, if any. MANMEET PRITAM SINGH ARORA, J DECEMBER 18, 2023/hp/aa Click here to check corrigendum, if any Signature Not Verified Digitally Signed By:Rashmi Dabas Signing Date:22.12.2023 03:50:12

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