


Full Judgement

Before :- Sharad Arvind Bobde, CJI, B.R. Gavai and Surya Kant, JJ. Writ Petition (Civil) No. 274 of 2009. D/d. 6.1.2020. Assam Public Works - Petitioners Versus Union of India & Ors. - Respondents With IA No. 183652 of 2019, IA No. 179759 of 2019, IA No. 179757 of 2019, IA No. 179754 of 2019, IA No. 179750 of 2019, IA No. 183662 of 2019, IA No. 181511 of 2019, IA No. 165382 of 2019. For the Appearing Parties :- Kapil Sibal, Sr. Adv., Fuzail Ahmad Ayyubi, Abdul Qadir, Khaddam, Ibad Mushtaq, Azizur Rahman, Salman Khurshid, Sr. Adv., Fuzail Ahmad Ayyubi, Abdul Qadir, Ibad Mushtaq, Ms. Aditi, Mustafa Khaddam Hussain, Kailash Prashad Pandey, K.K. Venugopal, Ld. AG, Tushar Mehta, SG, Ms. Rekha Pandey, Ms. Binu Tamta, Ankur Talwar, Ms. Sharadha Deshmukh, B. Krishna Prasad, Gaurav Dhingra, Abhijit Sengupta, B.V. Balaram Das, Tushar Mehta, Sr. Adv./SG, Shuvodeep Roy, Rajat Nair, Sataroop Das, Ashutosh Agnihotri, Commissioner-cum-Secretary Syed Ali Ahmad, Syed Tanweer Ahmad, S.S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Kundu, Mohan Pandey, Kirshan Kumar Pandey, Hitesh Kumar Sharma, Akhileshwar Jha, Mirtunjay Mishra, Ms. Diksha Rai, Ms. Palak Mahajan, Shibashish Misra, Ms. Madhumita Bhattacharjee, Shadan Farasat, G.N. Reddy, T. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, Snehasish Mukherjee, Dr. Manish Singhvi, Sr. Adv., Shailja Nanda Mishra, Arpit Parkash, Sandeep Kumar Jha, Guntur Prabhakar, Mohit D. Ram, Sanand Ramakrishnan, Ms. Rashmi Singhania, Shoeb Alam, Mojahid Karim Khan, Avijit Roy, Ms. Rashmi Nandakumar, M/S. Corporate Law Group, B.H. Marlapalle, Sr. Adv., Ajit Wagh, Ms. Prabhaleen Kaure, Mansoor Ali, H.Y. Choudhary, Ms. Rubina Jawed, Ms. Aparna Bhat, Ms. Karishma Maria, Somesh Chandra Jha, Mohit Chaudhary, Ms. Sneha Kalita, Ramiz, Ms. Malvika Trivedi, Ankit Yadav, Ms. Shivani Garg, T. Mahipal, Debojit Bonkakati, Vivek Sonkar, Advocates. ORDER IA No. 181511/2019 Mr. K.K. Venugopal, learned Attorney General for India, states that the children of parents who have been given citizenship through NRC, will not be separated from their parents and sent to detention centre in Assam pending decision of this application. 2. In the meantime, Mr. Venugopal, learned Attorney General for India, seeks four weeks' time to file reply to the instant application. 3. Time as prayed for is granted. 4. Learned counsel appearing for the applicant is directed to serve a copy of this interlocutory application upon the learned Attorney General for India forthwith. 5. Put up after four weeks. IA No. 179750/2019 6. Issue notice. IA No. 183652/2019, IA No. 179759/2019, IA No. 179757/2019, IA No. 179754/2019 and IA No. 183662/2019 7. At the request of Mr. Tushar Mehta, learned Solicitor General appearing for the respondent - State, four weeks' time is granted to the respondent to file reply to these interlocutory applications. 8. Put up thereafter.

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