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Suryakants/O Anandrao Rodge vs S. T. Caste Scrutiny Committee, ... 2024 Latest Caselaw 776 Bom


Full Judgement

Bombay High Court Suryakants/O Anandrao Rodge vs S. T. Caste Scrutiny Committee, ... on 12 January, 2024 Author: Avinash G. Gharote Bench: Avinash G. Gharote 2024:BHC-NAG:462-DB 03.ca.110.24.odt IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY, NAGPUR BENCH, NAGPUR. CIVIL APPLICATION NO.110 OF 2024 IN WRIT PETITION NO.700 OF 2023 WITH WRIT PETITION NO.3519 OF 2022 WITH WRIT PETITION NO.3520 OF 2022 (Suryakant s/o Anandrao Rodge Vs. Scheduled Tribe Caste Scrutiny Committee and anr.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Office Notes, Office Memoranda of Court's or Judge's Order Coram, appearances, Court's Orders or directions and Registrar's order --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. M.D. Lakhey, Advocate for the petitioner. Mr. P.N. Sharma, Advocate for respondent No.2. Ms K.R. Deshpande, AGP for the State. CORAM : AVINASH G. GHAROTE & URMILA JOSHI-PHALKE, JJ. DATED : JANUARY 12, 2024 By this application, the applicant is seeking permission to amend the prayer clause (a) of the petition wherein inadvertently date of the judgment of the Scrutiny Committee is mentioned as 30.02.2022 instead of 30.12.2022. 2. In view of the reasons mentioned in the application and being a mistake is typographical in nature, the applicant is permitted to amend the prayer clause of the petition by mentioning the date as 30.12.2022. 3. The application is allowed and disposed of accordingly. 03.ca.110.24.odt CIVIL APPLICATION NO.3637 OF 2023 The application is for speaking to minutes as inadvertently, in the judgment dated 15/12/2023 in paragraph No.1 and in the operative part clause (2) the date of order is mentioned as 30.02.2022 instead of 30.12.2022. 2. The mistake is typographical in nature and it can be corrected. 3. Accordingly, the date of order of the Scrutiny Committee be corrected as 30.12.2022 instead of 30.02.2022 in paragraph No.1 and in the operative part clause (2) of the judgment dated 15/12/2023. 4. The application is disposed of. 5. Corrected copy of the judgment be uploaded accordingly. (URMILA JOSHI-PHALKE, J.) (AVINASH G. GHAROTE ,J.) *Divya

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